How to increase your T&E card limit

All cards come with a standard £3,000 monthly limit set. If you are travelling for an extended period, long distance or are expecting costs to exceed this then please follow these instructions.

Login to Craft

Log into the Craft Website ( using your SSO and password.

You will be presented with this page-- please hover your cursore over the Travel & Expense window.

"Travel & Expense" Options

From here you will be given the following options:

A New card applications
B. Car maintenance
C. Links
D. Administration (Authority dependent)

Select "Card Maintenance"

Please select the “Card maintenance” option and the “Credit Limit Change” sub option. You will be taken to a form. 

Credit Limit Change Form

Complete the following fields:

A. Overwrite this amount with a reasonable card limit
B. Add a business reason to assist your manager/audit with their approval

When complete-- please click on the "Submit" button. This will automatically route the increase request to you line manager for approval.

Request Status

To view the progress of a request please log into Craft and navigate to the “My requests” window. This will show you all your recent requests – by clicking on the relevant request you will be able to see the approval flow.

Approval Process Flow

Clicking will show all the recent requests and clicking on the request will show you a process flow of where the requests is (Green means approved - Red means outstanding).

Once approved the request will be sent to the T&E team who will action the increase within 24 hours. You will receive a notification email once the change has come into effect.